Tips for new hires with NURSES Etc STAFFING

Tips to Follow:

Familiarize Yourself with Your New Enviroment

It’s essential to take the time to figure out the essential locations in your new work environment. Make sure you know where the following places are:

  • Lunchroom/Breakroom, Rest Rooms
  • Manager/HR Offices
  • Water fountains, coffee stations, and nearby restaurants
  • Security, emergency hazard/medical equipment

Meeting your team is essential, and it’s valuable to get to know the people you’ll be working with. You never know what connections already exist, as it’s a small world!

Keep it casual

  • Be open to after-work events and don’t be shy.
  • Make sure to ask questions.
  • Eat lunch with your new coworkers.

Get in the Right Mindset

Mentally preparing for your first week of work is crucial. Remember that just waking up and showing up on time won’t cut it. It’s time to prove yourself because first impressions still matter.

Be ready to step outside of your comfort zone.

  • Roll with the punches.
  • Start to build your routine.
  • Challenge yourself – set some goals/objectives.

Tips on What to avoid:

Try Not to Be Shy!

Many people consider themselves shy, so you’re not alone. Remember the importance of personal communication and how it can help you build trust.

  • Focus on learning more about your coworkers.
  • Don’t dwell on awkward moments – move forward.
  • Have good manners.
  • Make sure you are actively listening.

Don’t Complain!

Avoid complaining about your current or old job because it can create drama and give your employer a negative impression of you.

  • Don’t complain about being tired or ask to leave early.
  • Don’t complain about being assigned a particular task.
  • Don’t complain about management.
  • Don’t start drama.

Don’t Get Too Ahead of Yourself

Hard work is essential, and hopefully, you’re being noticed for it, but it’s crucial to control your frustrations, even if you’re not humble.

  • Don’t immediately ask for a raise.
  • Don’t try to over-impress.
  • Don’t show up too early.
  • Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.

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